Opening the club house work party will be carried out over 2 sessions - morning and afternoon on Saturday (Aug 1) (rain date Sunday Aug 2). For those who have been work party regulars, please don't feel obliged to volunteer for this particular event as the number of tasks is far exceeded by the interest.
Important Info to consider before you sign up:
1) Limit of five inside the clubhouse at one time. Everyone else will be working outside.
2) Transportation will be via the TIM tender. There is a limit of 12 per boat so staggered arrivals are best (9:30, 10, 10:30am, 1, 1:30, 2pm).
3) No food provided so please bring your own.
4) You must have signed The TISC COVID code of conduct.
Session Tasks:
Session 1 (Saturday 10:00AM - 1:30PM)
INSIDE TASKS: Clean fridges, Connect fridges, Clean Countertops, Clean cubbies, Label cubbies, Organize PFDs , Move racing buoys into boathouse.
OUTSIDE TASKS: Boardwalk repair, connect hot water tank, Committee boat tire repair, Decide on boat ramp location and connect all ramp sections together, Dolly tire repairs, Dig out weeds around boats, prepare land trainer for use.
Session 2 (Saturday 1:30pm - 5:00PM )
INSIDE TASKS: Clean microwaves, Clean floors, Improve wifi service, Reconfigure broom and mop area behind west door.
OUTSIDE TASKS: Launch black dock, Launch committee boat, Remaining dolly tire repairs, Repair loose fenders on black dock, Attach padding to sides of wooden dock, Cut back vines and weeds in gardens.
If you have any additional questions, please send an email to property@torontosailing.com.