2020 Spring General Meeting
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Join videoconference via Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 589 393 949
Password: 5195
Join by phone at:
One tap mobile:
+15873281099, 129874414# Canada
+16473744685, 129874414# Canada
Dial by your location
+1 587 328 1099 Canada
+1 647 374 4685 Canada
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
+1 778 907 2071 Canada
+1 438 809 7799 Canada
855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented the club with unique challenges. Please join the 2020 Executive as they present a contingency plan developed to respond to the rapidly changing environment.
This online meeting will provide the board with an opportunity to walk through all newly proposed plans for 2020, and also field membership questions, before each item is put to a vote.
Business to be discussed at this meeting includes:
We strongly suggest that you log in via computer as opposed to calling in. You can choose to activate your camera or not. If you do log in, please make sure that you enter your name, so that we can see who is in attendance.
Please note that given the large number of meeting attendees, all participants will be automatically muted upon joining the meeting.
The executive will start presenting promptly at 6:35pm.
After all presentations are completed, the membership can ask questions and/or make statements for 2 minutes at a time.
In order to get in the queue to speak, please press the "participants button" in the menu bar at the bottom of the onscreen zoom menu. In the participants menu you will see an option to "raise hand," and once pressed, a blue hand will appear next to your name.
The moderator will unmute members, in order, for their 2-minute timeframe. Once two minutes are up, the member will be placed back on mute while the question is being addressed.
To "raise your hand" via phone, press *9 on your dial pad.
The motions will be put to the membership via onscreen poll that will allow you to vote via, yes, no or abstain buttons.
If you are calling in by phone, we encourage you to submit a PDF or online proxy form in advance. If you are not able to submit in advance it IS possible to vote for each motion over the phone. Once each motion is read aloud, to vote yes, raise your hand by pressing *9.
All virtual "hands" will be lowered after the vote for each individual motion is tallied.
We will go over these instructions again at the start of the meeting.
As this is the first time we are conducting a virtual GM, please be patient and courteous and we will do our best to make sure that everyone who has something to contribute is heard.
Supporting Documents:
Supporting documents are available in the General Meetings' Support Documents section located in the Members Only section of the TISC website.
Voting by Proxy:
Voting members will be able to vote by E-proxy.
Download the PDF Proxy form to email.
To add an item/motion to the Agenda:
To propose an agenda item or motion, you can make a motion to amend the agenda with the new item at the onset of the Spring General Meeting in the chat section of the Zoom platform.